LEOThe Laboratory for Earth Observation (LEO) is part of the interdisciplinary research unit Image Processing Laboratory (IPL) from the University of Valencia. Led by Prof. J. Moreno, deals with most of the technical and scientific aspects of Earth observation, including design of new instrument missions, processing of new data types, in particular optical multi-angular and hyperspectral data.
Research lines of LEO involve:
The LEO group started its work in the field of imaging spectroscopy in
1998 with the participation of Prof. José Moreno as coordinator of the
field activities for ESA’s DAISEX98 experiment. This experiment was set
up to test the new hyperspectral airborne DAIS sensor developed by the
German Aerospace Agency (DLR). Since then, LEO has been involved in more
than 30 national and international research projects. In those
projects, the group has dealt with most of the technical and scientific
aspects of Earth observation, including design of new instrument
missions, processing of new data types, in particular optical
multi-angular and hyperspectral data. The group has developed a
processing chain for automatic image preprocessing; starting from raw
data, identifying and correcting for all types of noise, until delivery
of atmospherically and geometrically corrected reflectance data and
derived products (e.g. cloud maps, aerosol optical depth) at the highest
possible quality. This processing chain is currently implemented in the
ESA Basic ERS & Envisat (A)ATSR and MERIS Toolbox (BEAM) and has
recently been applied to new generation optical sensors, such as AHS,