Sunrise: instrument, mission, data and first resultsThe Sunrise balloon-borne solar observatory consists of a 1m aperture Gregory
telescope, a UV filter imager, an imaging vector polarimeter, an image
stabilization system and further infrastructure. The first science flight of
Sunrise yielded high-quality data that reveal the structure, dynamics and
evolution of solar convection, oscillations and magnetic fields at a resolution
of around 100 km in the quiet Sun. After a brief description of instruments and
data, first qualitative results are presented. In contrast to earlier
observations, we clearly see granulation at 214 nm. Images in Ca II H display
narrow, short-lived dark intergranular lanes between the bright edges of
granules. The very small-scale, mixed-polarity internetwork fields are found to
be highly dynamic. A significant increase in detectable magnetic flux is found
after phase-diversity-related reconstruction of polarization maps, indicating
that the polarities are mixed right down to the spatial resolution limit, and
probably beyond. |