

Jul 5, 2011

Final Announcement

We are only a few days away from our meeting. Next Monday, 11th July, we will be gathering together to share our knowledge, observations, working techniques, models, etc, to learn from each other, and to find ways to understand and explain the behaviour of the BeXRB systems. We need to know as soon as possible the number of accompanying people and the number of attendees who prefer vegetarian food, in order to organize the social event of the workshop.

Final Announcement


We are only a few days away from our meeting. Next Monday, 11th July, we will be gathering together to share our knowledge, observations, working techniques, models, etc, to learn from each other, and to find ways to understand and explain the behaviour of the BeXRB systems.


From the work of the SOC and LOC we hope to be able to create a collaborative atmosphere in which the ideas and thoughts of everyone are listened to and discussed.


The proposed scientific program is available at the workshop website:



Registration will take place from 9.00h to 10.00h.


- Discussion sessions:


The discussion sessions are thought to be a way to promote dialogue, and through dialogue reach a higher level of understanding about the BeXRB 2011 systems. They will be lead by the author of the review which opens each session. We would like everyone to feel “at home” and motivated to participate. For this reason we also want to have a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Not only during talks and discussion sessions, but also in the spare time (coffee breaks, lunch time, etc). We have the possibility, during the 4 days, to extend our contacts, start or develop collaborations, etc, all driven by our eagerness to understand the physics behind of the observed properties of BeXRB systems. We have tried to provide time for everyone to be heard and seen.


- Venue and Social Events:


The workshop is celebrated in the “Aula Magna” of the University of Valencia. It is located in the oldest University building, with a bit more than 500 years of history on its grounds. It was the very first building dedicated to University studies in Valencia. It was built from an original house and vegetable gardens, donated by their previous owner to the City Council. The building itself is in the very historical center of Valencia. Feel free to wander around and see the nice atmosphere at very representative places as, just as an example, “Plaza de la Virgen”, or enjoy the view of the monumental trees in “El Parterre”, everything in a short walk from the workshop location. Feel free also to seek advice from the local attendees to the meeting.


On Wednesday, 13rd July, we are organizing a guided tour around the most historically interesting locations in the city center. The tour will start at 19.30h from nearby the workshop location. This tour will last around 2 hours and will end up nearby the restaurant where we can enjoy dinner together. The tour and dinner are free for attendees but will be charged for accompanying persons, at 40 euro each. This amount should be paid at registration (a receipt can be obtained if needed).


There is the possibility to have a vegetarian menu at the dinner, so please let us know as soon as possible if this is your choice. It is important to know in advance, as well, the number of accompanying persons. Please send e-mail to to inform us about these two issues as soon as possible.


In order to promote the workshop we have prepared, in collaboration with the local metro company (FGV, and the people from APT ( an exhibition of high quality astronomy pictures. The exhibition will be open to the general public from 9 July up to 29 July, in the exhibitions room at the “Bailen” metro stop. All the pictures are taken and processed by Spanish amateur astronomers. You are invited to enjoy this exhibition at any time.


- Unofficial gathering on Sunday 10th July


For those of you who arrive in Valencia on Sunday, 10th July, we propose an “unofficial” gathering at a bar by the beach. As it is uncertain how many people there will be it is not possible to make a reservation, so we propose a meeting point:


“Neptú” (Neptuno) TRAM STOP see map:,-0.324526&spn=0.003272,0.008111&t=h&z=18


and a meeting time of 20.00h


Once there, a suitable place can be sought. There are many bars along the beach-line (see map link above). “Neptú” tram stop can be reached by taking metro line number 5 with direction to “Maritim-Serreria”. At this stop transfer to tram with direction to “Neptú”.


Have a nice trip to Valencia!