Mar 1, 2011
Second Announcement - BeXRB 2011
After registration process being over, it is time to submit the abstract of your contributions and check about hotel bookings and trip details.
Dear colleagues,
Thanks for your interest in attending the BeXRB 2011 meeting.
Though the official deadline has passed for initial registration it may still be possible to accommodate a few extra people, particularly if you have something new & exciting to talk about. If you have not yet informed us of your wish to attend then please contact us through our web contact form.
Abstract submission - Deadline 29th April 2011
Some of you have already submitted a proposed contribution to the meeting. But if you have not, then please log in at the web site:
using your e-mail and the password you selected during the registration. If you find any problems with the log in process, please use the contact form and we will help you as soon as possible.
The deadline for abstract submission has been set to 29th April 2011. Let us know if you need some support letter or acceptance letter in order to prepare your trip or apply for funding.
Scientific Programme
We are happy to announce that the workshop will include dedicated sessions to the following topics, each with a Key talk by the following speakers.
1. Peter Kretschmar - " Phenomenology of BeXRB transient outbursts in the X-ray domain (normal vs giant, pre-flares, complex shaped outbursts, pulse profiles, ...)" 2. Ginny McSwain - " Observations in other wavebands and their implications" 3. Frank Haberl - " BeXRBs in external galaxies compared to the Milky Way population" 4. Josep Maria Paredes - " The high-energy gamma-ray connection (LS I +61 303, PSR B1259-63, HESS J0632+057)" 5. Ingo Kreyenbohm - " Transient outbursts as laboratories of accretion physics" 6. Atsuo Okazaki - " Be stars, Be disks & models in the context of explaining the BeXRB phenomenon"
Together with the general introduction and the talks given by the attendees, all sessions will have generous amounts of time allocated for enthusiastic discussion by all participants.
Venue and Accommodation
There is some updated information in the meeting website regarding accommodation and the location of the auditorium.
The meeting will take place in the “Aula Magna” of the University of Valencia, right in the historic center of Valencia. Its address is “Calle de la Universidad, 2”.
We have reached an agreement with 3 hotels which will offer price reduction for the whole week of the meeting (from 9th up to 17th July):
1) Hotel Barcelo Valencia Av. de Francia, 11 (Valencia) Phone no.: +34 963 306 344 | Fax: +34 963 306 831 | E-mail:
2)Hotel Adhoc Monumental Boix, 4 (Valencia) Phone no.: +34963919140 | Fax: +34963913667 | E-mail:
3) Hotel Medium Conqueridor Cervantes, 9 (Valencia) Phone no.: +34963522910 | Fax: +34963522883 | E-mail:
For details, please check our website. Be sure to give the workshop reference (BEXRB 2011) when dealing with your booking. Feel free to CONTACT us for comments, questions or possible troubles while preparing your bookings. |