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- Special issue of Recent Advances in Remote Sensing
- Best Poster Award Sponsored by the RARS Journal
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Oral & Poster presentations
Instructions for manuscripts preparation and submission for publication in the proceedings are available on the symposium website.
Oral presentations
Plenary sessions presentations will take place in the Auditory of Torrent. Each speaker is assigned 20 minutes including a brief discussion. Session chairs will make sure the schedule is respected, please contact them before your session. Slide and overhead projectors will be available as well as a 'datashow' connected to a PC under MS-Windows. In order to avoid technical and connection problems and the corresponding loss of time, it will not be possible to connect your portable computer to the data projector. So if you plan to use it, bring along your slide show on a pen drive under the Microsoft PowerPoint format exclusively and hand it to the technician before the beginning of the session. As a backup it is advisable to bring a set of your slides on transparencies.
Poster presentations
Panels will be available in the Auditory hall, with approximate dimensions 90 cm wide and 120 cm height. Display your poster before the corresponding oral session so that it is ready when coffee break starts. Remove them at the end of the session. Your poster should include:
- title (abridged if necessary) with a large font (at least 2,5 cm )
- authors and affiliation (font at least 1,5 cm)
- short abstract (100-150 words)
- introduction and conclusion with a contact point.
Make sure each part (text and illustrations) is readable from a distance of 80 cm ; your presence is required during the poster session itself (60 min).
J. A. Sobrino
Global Change Unit
Image Processing Laboratory
Parque Científico
Universitat de València
C/ Catedrático José Beltran nº 2
46980 Paterna (Valencia) SPAIN
Phone: +34 96 354 3115
Fax:+34 96 354 32 61
E-mail: sobrino@uv.es