

The Symposium will highlight recent advances in methodological developments in order to ease scientific exchanges and discussions.

The Symposium will consist of 14 plenary sessions allowing about 50 papers plus 4 interactive posters sessions with 50 papers each. The total number of papers is limited to 250. The papers submitted will be subject to a selection process by the International Scientific Committee. The number of participants will be limited to about 250 in order to facilitate exchanges and discussions among the participants. The Symposium will end with a general concluding session prepared by the chairpersons and reporters of each session. The concluding statements will emphasise the key points of the presentations and outline trends in future research programmes.

Papers should deal in general with recent advances and applications of the different techniques and research methods used in remote sensing and in particular cover one or more of the following topics:

  1. Land surface radiation and inversion modelling
  2. Thermal infra-red remote sensing
  3. Multispectral and hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Imaging Spectroscopy
  4. Multiangular and Multitemporal measurements
  5. Scaling, fusion, reduction and assimilation of data
  6. Machine learning in remote sensing
  7. Advances in consolidated datasets of Essential Climate Variables and their impact arising from the Climate Change Initiative
  8. Carbon and Water cycle observation and modelling
  9. Inversion of Evapotranspiration
  10. Land cover/use and change
  11. From R&D to Operational Agricultural Monitoring
  12. Urban Heat Island Mapping and Mitigation
  13. Global change and sustainable development
  14. Remote sensing of snow and ice in the visible, infrared, and microwave wavelength
  15. Sensor calibration, atmospheric correction, and product validation
  16. Passive and actives microwaves data processing and applications
  17. Laser remote sensing 
  18. Passive and active fluorescence
  19. Close range remote sensing
  20. Earth Observation Missions & Services


J. A. Sobrino
Global Change Unit
Image Processing Laboratory
Parque Científico
Universitat de València
C/ Catedrático José Beltran nº 2
46980 Paterna (Valencia) SPAIN

Phone: +34 96 354 3115
Fax:+34 96 354 32 61