Special issue of Recent Advances in Remote Sensing

As a result of the seventh Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing (RAQRS VII), the International Journal Recent Advances in Remote Sensing (RARS) will publish a special issue. People interested in submitting full-length papers should visit the website


and follow the usual submission procedure.

As the objective of the journal is to make the presented works available to readers as soon as possible, a 25% discount on the Article Processing Charges (APCs) will be applied, provided that the work is submitted before October 31, 2024.


The deadline for submitting papers to RARS is set for January 31, 2025. If you have any problems or questions, please contact sobrino@uv.es.


J. A. Sobrino
Global Change Unit
Image Processing Laboratory
Parque Científico
Universitat de València
C/ Catedrático José Beltran nº 2
46980 Paterna (Valencia) SPAIN

Phone: +34 96 354 3115
Fax:+34 96 354 32 61
E-mail: sobrino@uv.es